Activity Notifier List

Status Title Access Created by Modified Date Remove?

Email Digest

35 members Laffey, Jim May 5, 2008 12:00 pm

My email notifier

1 members Hong, Ran-Young May 5, 2008 12:00 pm

My web page notifier

7 members Hong, Ran-Young May 5, 2008 12:00 pm

Social comparison visualization

20 members Krista, Galyen May 5, 2008 12:00 pm

Social comparison visualization (full) group 1

n/a Hong, Ran-Young May 5, 2008 12:00 pm

Note-1: This page is Ran-Young Hong's view. Therefore, "Edit setting", "Duplicate" and "Remove" are only available for the two notifiers, which were created by Ran-Young Hong (by default... the admin can change the permissions in the Permissions page). The "Social comparison visualization" (see the 4th item in the list above) was created by Krista, one of members, and Krista put Ran-Young in the Access list. Therefore, there is the "view" link under the notifier so that Ran-Young can have access to the notifier by clicking the"view".

Last modified on October 22, 2008
Created by Ran-Young Hong (