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Special issue of Human-Computer Interaction on Context-Aware Computing (2001), 16(2-3)

A special issue of Human-Computer Interaction on Context in Design (Moran, 1994) discussed the notion that the design of computing artifacts must take into account how people draw on and evolve social contexts to make the artifacts understandable, useful, and meaningful.

Human Issues in Implementing eLearning Technology, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 9 (2004)
CAMMD: Context-Aware Mobile Medical Devices - experimental prototype is presented highlighting the potential of this approach [HTML]
User Context Aware Delivery of E-Learning Material: Approach and Architecture [html]

Michael Derntl, Karin A. Hummel, "Modeling Context-Aware e-Learning Scenarios," percomw, pp. 337-342, Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOMW'05), 2005. [html]

In the last decade, e-learning has been introduced to a variety of blended learning scenarios, such as life-long learning, University lectures, and game-based learning. In all these scenarios the learner’s situation or context is an essential asset in designing the learning process. Recent research suggests aiding the design process through the use of visual modeling approaches. Pervasive computing environments particularly call for extending these approaches in terms of enhanced context-awareness. This paper addresses these needs by introducing a UML-based modeling extension for explicitly including relationships between context and learning activities in the learning design models. The feasibility and applicability of our approach is demonstrated by a laboratory lecture case study, and respectively by a context-aware learning prototype that was developed using RFID technology for sensing of nearby persons and physical resources.

Dourish, P. (2001). Seeking a foundation for context-aware computing. Human-Computer Interaction, 16(2-3).

  • The importance of context-based computing extends beyond simply those systems that are designed around an awareness of spatial location, of user identity, of the proximity of people and devices, and so on, but that it is also a critical feature of sociologically-motivated explorations of interaction.

    Two distinct strands of what we might call context-aware computing within HCI research:
    (i) physically-based interaction and augmented environments (Tangible Bits)
    (ii) attempts to develop interactive systems around understandings of the generally operative social processes surrounding everyday interaction (Ubiquitous Computing)

Bellotti, V., & Edwards, K. (2001). Intelligibility and accountability: Human considerations in context aware systems. Human-Computer Interaction, 16(2-3).

They propose a design framework that is intended to guide thinking about accommodating human aspects of context. This framework presents four design principles that support intelligibility of system behavior and accountability of human users and a number of human-salient details of context that must be accounted for in context aware system design.

Dey, A.K., Abowd, G.D., & Salber, D. (2001) A conceptual framework and a toolkit for supporting the rapid prototyping of context-aware applications. Human-Computer Interaction, 16(2-3), pp. 97-166. (anchor article)

    Requirements for Dealing with Context:
  1. Separation of concerns
  2. Context interpretation
  3. Transparent, distributed communications
  4. Constant availability of context acquisition
  5. Context storage
  6. Resource discovery

Greenberg, S. (2001). Context as a dynamic construct. Human-Computer Interaction, 16(2-3)

Dey et al.'s framework and toolkit is an elegant way to design and implement context-aware applications for simple and highly routine contextual situations. However, it does not include anything to inform the designer about what contextual situations are appropriate to it, i.e., whether useful canonical contextual states exist, whether information can be captured to infer that state, and whether resulting actions are meaningful.

Dourish, P. (2001). Where The Action Is: The foundations of embodied interation. MA: MIT Press.

Embodied interaction draws together ideas from 2 areas of recent research in HCI: (i) Tangible computing, (ii) Social computing
Social computing refers to "the application of sociological understanding to the design of interactive systems (p. 55)."

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