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* Requirement Analysis

CANS Wizard Requirements [Wizard v1 screenshots ]
CANS Wizard is the Administrative tool users will use to manage CANS accounts and notifications. The current version of the Wizard is a perl application that runs outside of Sakai. With this tool, CANS users will be able to manage contexts, members, and subscriptions for CANS and also export event and notification data for research. (last modified by Chris Amelung on Mar 4, 2007)

  • Provide detail for what is basic and extended and a map for how those services can be enhanced
  • Keep the idea of extensibility (adding features) and scalability (supporting multiple courses or work groups) in mind -- Especially for the instructors, they may want to export a profile that they set up for one course and have it used in multiple courses or in the course for the next semester
  • Need to start by designing it to be a useful and easy to use to tool and then find ways to have it conform with sakai guidelines
  • Need to design this tool as a Sakai Tool (look as Sakai-like as possible)
    Sakai Discussion Group on User Interaction
    Sakai Style Guide v1.5 - PDF (last updated: 5/9/2005)
  1. Administrators [sketch 3-13-07]
    - Create
    - Edit
    - Import (from Sakai)
    - Delete
    - View Users who have Subscriptions with Context

    - Create
    - Edit
    - Import
    - Delete
    - View Contexts the User is Subscribed to

    General Subscriptions (for Users per Context)
    - Create
    - Edit
    - Delete

    - Export Event Data by Context (comma separated, tab delimited, xml)
    - Export Notification Data by Context(comma separated, tab delimited, xml)
    - Export Event Data by User (comma separated, tab delimited, xml)

  2. Users - Instructor
    Personal Information
    - Edit

    Email Notifications
    - receive or not
    - text or html
    - basic or extended
    - digest or individual (per notification) - This may not happen, but something to think about.

    Widget Notifications
    - Reset Registration ID
    - Download Widget for Context

    - Export Personal Event History
    - Export Student Event History
    - Export Context Event History

  3. Users - Students
    Personal Information
    - Edit

    Email Notifications
    - receive or not
    - text or html
    - basic or extended
    - digest or individual (per notification) - This may not happen, but something to think about.

    Widget Notifications
    - Reset Registration ID
    - Download Widget for Context

    - Export Personal Event History

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